1. To start, you will need to be logged into a computer.
Press the CTRL + ALT + DELETE keys at the same time.
This will open a screen, select the option “Change a password...”.
2. Selecting “Change a password...” will open the window below
3. Input your CURRENT password in the Old Password box.
4. Input your new password in the New password and Confirm password boxes, then hit enter.
NOTE: Your new password has to conform to the password policy that we have in place.
- At least 8 characters
- It must start with a letter
- At least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one number and one special character ($@#%&)
- Password cannot contain your name
- It cannot be the same as any of your 5 previous passwords
If a new page opens that says Other with a password already typed in, just hit enter.
Your network password has now changed.