Please fill out this excel spreadsheet to do a request for a new Smartpage or a change to an existing one.  Save as, and then modify based on the information here and on sheet 2 of the spreadsheet.  Please then submit the spreadsheet as a helpdesk ticket.  If you have any questions on if something is feasible, feel free to ask us before filling out the spreadsheet.  The information in the spreadsheet is needed to get the dashboard created as quickly as possible.

Smartpage Request

Required information for requesting a new Smartpage Dashboard:

  • Dashboard Name
    • This can be whatever you want and can be changed yesterday.
  • Allowed Users
    • By default we will limit dashboard access to the requestor.  If you need more people to access this, put their names or group here.
  • Summary
    • Brief description of each chart in the dashboard.  This does not need to be super specific as that should be covered in the layout portion  If there is a report that has the information that you want on it, please let us know the name of the report in here as that can speed up the creation process.
  • Layout
    • Make a mock layout of how you want the data.  Include any charts that you want and where you want them.  This needs to be very specific.  If the data is in a specific spot in IQMS, please have a screenshot with that section labeled.  If the data is to be highlighted, please specify what you want the criteria for highlighting to be and what priority it is (ex: green if good, blue if good and also due soon).  Please also include at least one line of example data in your chart so we know how to format it.
    • If you need anything calculated, please give us as much information as possible on how you want the calculation created
    • If you want to have certain things hidden from the dashboard (example: show only FG class items) please let us know in this section

Extra Information

Dashboards are specific layouts of charts and you cannot nest dashboards.  If you have two similar dashboards, you have have the chart cloned from one dashboard to another.

Charts are specific layouts of data.  If there is a chart on a different dashboard that you want on a dashboard, it can be added to it.  If one changes, it will change both of them though.

Chart Types

   We typically use Datagrid to display data, but below is some other options.  If you want any of these setup, there may be extra information that we need to be able to create it.  As we deal with these more and more, we will update the spreadsheet.